What pieces can we make?


The pieces depend on the mold that place with the same machine can use different patterns, depending on the piece to be manufactured.

You can make different parts, which are within the usable space of the tray. The standard usable space of the tray is 1.100 mm x 650 mm and a height of 300 mm. Weight may also be a limitation, and the weight of the pieces can never exceed 250 kg Tray 1.200x700 and 400 Kg. Tray 1.200x1.200mm.

The most common items are: Hollow Blocks, vaults, solid blocks, kerbstones, paving stones, gutters, concrete curbs, partition wall and other forms.

The number of parts making machine in each cycle, is given by the dimensions of the piece to make, to give an example:
• 19x19x39 cm hollow blocks, 7 part time, Tray 1.200x700mm.
• Hollow Blocks 9x19x49 cm, 10 pieces, Tray 1.200x700mm.
• 19x19x39 cm hollow blocks, 12,5 parts, Tray 1.200x1.200mm.

Zona Industria
Ronda de les Conques, 21-23
08180 Moià - Barcelona
+34 938 208 181 


ROMETA incorporates components from leading brands known worldwide in electrical and hydraulic equipment.

Our company is certified in accordance to standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and our facilities meet the safety requirements of European Directive EEC 2006/42 / C.