What are raw materials?


The pieces are made of sand, gravel, water and cement.
The inert, granumelotrías different, with a maximum size of 8 mm. We use the following granumelotrías: 0-2 m / m, 2-4 m / m of 6-8 m / m.

Washed sand 0 - 3, 0-3 mm Arena dusty, gravel 3-8 mm

Zona Industria
Ronda de les Conques, 21-23
08180 Moià - Barcelona
+34 938 208 181 


ROMETA incorporates components from leading brands known worldwide in electrical and hydraulic equipment.

Our company is certified in accordance to standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and our facilities meet the safety requirements of European Directive EEC 2006/42 / C.